Friday 26 September 2008

Peter Gabriel - Gabriel To Work With Hot Chip

HOT CHIP have revealed they have asked PETER GABRIEL to collaborate with them on their next album.

The London band and former GENESIS singer recently recorded a cover of VAMPIRE WEEKEND'S Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa.

Speaking to Billboard, the band's Joey Goddard said: "We said we'd love to do more stuff with him in the future and asked him to contribute to the next record. So, we'll see."

The band are currently working on material for the follow-up to 2008's MADE IN THE DARK, which they plan to release next year.

However, Goddard also revealed that singer Alexis Taylor has recorded a solo album, to be released on London independent label Treader.

"They're sketches of new songs, short improvised pieces. A scrapbook, in a way," Goddard said.

The band recently played the San Diego Street Scene festival alongside the likes of MGMT.

[Via ContactMusic Ltd | News]

Other news:

Tuesday 2 September 2008

Mp3 music: Raveonettes


Artist: Raveonettes: mp3 download




Raveonettes's discography:

Lust Lust Lust

 Lust Lust Lust

   Year: 2007   

Tracks: 12

Self-confident and challenging, the Raveonettes entered the service department stone race of the new millenary with a stylish, brassy sound non heard since Sonic Youth's Moon Nation. Sune Rose Wagner (guitar, vocals) and Sharin Foo (freshwater bass, vocals) acclaim from Copenhagen and formed the Raveonettes out of dismay for their homeland's state of music.

Wagner had tried and true acquiring a band together during the tardy '90s, packing his bags for New York City's Hell's Kitchen and later experiencing the low crannies of Las Vegas, west Hollywood, and an island outside of Seattle. His first exposure to pop music was his mother's written matter of Bob Dylan's In front the Flood. Bob Dylan became Wagner's melodic muse. Bits of Buddy Holly and the Everly Brothers and the guitar act of Mark Knopfler ruined in later on, but the adorable dissonance of Sonic Youth and the Jesus and Mary Chain motivated Wagner to do music on a professional horizontal surface. Alas, his remain in America didn't exactly cooking pan out, so Wagner returned to Denmark and connected with Foo, world Health Organization had been tattle in and around hometown clubs. Foo was born and bred on the Beatles and the Velvet Underground, merely also found humanity euphony to be equally enticing. During a six-month delay in India, Foo studied qawwali music and dhrupad, the well-nigh ancient style of Hindustani classical music. Once Foo and Wagner dependent up, the adventures of the Raveonettes began.

The Raveonettes had a set of rules when it came to creating material. These rules consisted of qualification an album only in Bb minor, surrounded by only trey chords, and each song had to be less than triad transactions long. Ride cymbals were not allowed, either. What came close to was a fuzzy, dark, cinematic ready of songs gathered for the Raveonettes' debut album. Blister It On, which was written on a four-track and drum motorcar, fused classic garage rumblings with frenzied electronic bits. Whip It On appeared on Crunchy Frog in Europe in summer 2002. In July, the Raveonettes waltzed into N.Y.C.'s CBGB for an American first appearance. Producer Richard Gottehrer (Blondie, Joan Armatrading, the Go-Go's) caught the usher and signed on to put to work on the band's first base uncut record album. A share with Columbia followed earlier the year's goal, posing the Raveonettes for some quality buzz in the class to come.

The Chain Gang of Love appeared in September 2003. The first unmarried from the album, "That Great Love Sound," became a minor hit, referable in part to a creepy-crawly video featuring Foo and Wagner dream up ways to kill each other. The roger Huntington Sessions for their adjacent album began in late 2004, and Wagner swan aside their songwriting and recording rules and most all traces of guitar straining, replacement them with classical songcraft and lots of rich reverb on everything. The resulting album, 2005's Pretty in Black, featured guest spots from Suicide's Martin Rev, Ronnie Spector, and the Velvet Underground's Moe Tucker.

Mary-Kate Smells Like Teen Spirit

Saturday 23 August 2008

A concert for Ossetians � to Russia's tune

Many have lost relatives, some no longer have homes, but they all order on their best eve dress and flocked to Tskhinvali's fundamental square to see one of the world's most famous conductors lead an emotional concert in support of his people � and Russian military action.

Valery Gergiev has apt some sinful concerts in his time, but last night he conducted perhaps the most unusual and emotional concert of his career.

As evenfall fell, the sounds of Dmitry Shostakovich's Leningrad Symphony rang out, less than two weeks after the capital of Georgia's breaking away territory of South Ossetia saw boisterous fighting between Russian and Georgian troops.

Gergiev was conducting the London Symphony Orchestra in Edinburgh last weekend. Last night's concert, with the orchestra of the Mariinsky Theatre, was instead different.

The open air performance took place outside the ruined headquarters of the South Ossetian separatist government.

The Kremlin, realising the PR potential of the concert, bussed in strange journalists to see the show. The event was a musical affirmation that South Ossetia is unlikely to be part of Georgia once more in the near future.

A jubilant Eduard Kokoity, the South Ossetian de facto president, wear the Ossetian and Russian flags on his lapel, joined the audience of local people, government officials and religious dignitaries. "This concert is support for the people of South Ossetia, and for the justified military actions of Russia," he said.

"It is as well against the cynical posture of the United States. Everywhere they go thither is war."

Dozens of Russian troops stood on armoured personnel carriers nearby, waving Russian flags. A few Ossetian flags were also visible in the crowd, but it was the Russian tricolour that dominated. The concert was broadcast live on Russian TV.

A convoy of Kamaz trucks brought the musicians and their instruments to Tskhinvali from Vladikavkaz in North Ossetia, through the Roki Tunnel, the same route that Russian tanks took in the first days of the conflict with Georgia.

Gergiev made it light up in an exclusive interview with The Independent last week that he felt the outside media insurance coverage of Russia's conflict with Georgia had been unilateral and biased. "Georgians were killing Ossetians," he said. "It was brutal and criminal. I have talked to around 20 or 30 people on the phone world Health Organization were in that respect and everybody tells me this one story.

"There was a massacre in which more than 2,000 Ossetians died. There are villages that no longer exist."

In Tskhinvali yesterday, Gergiev reiterated that this was not a concert to retrieve both the Georgian and Ossetian victims of the war, this was an attempt to tell the world that the Russian invasion of Georgia was not a crime only in fact a brave and humanitarian act.

"Intelligent people around the world should know the truth about what happened here, specially on the first night."

Gergiev is doubtlessly the world's most famed Ossetian � in fact he's the world's only famous Ossetian. He thirstily accepts the role as unofficial ambassador for the region. He has spoken many times about his admiration for the antediluvian roots of Ossetian culture and his version of Wagner's Ring Cycle uses imagery from Ossetian legends to paint a picture a tie-in between Wagner's otherworldly visions and his own Caucasian heritage.

Gergiev, world Health Organization is noted across the world for starting late, appeared on the dot of 8pm as scheduled, to transmit the Mariinsky Orchestra in an emotional rendition of Tchaikovsky's Pathetique Symphony and Shostakovich's Seventh Symphony, which was written as the Nazis had the metropolis of Leningrad under siege during the Second World War. The choice of music was clearly non accidental. Both Russia and Georgia have accused the other of "fascist" tactics.

Last night was the first since the conflict began when on that point was no curfew in Tskhinvali, and the well dressed locals almost gave the city a normal feel. It will be a long time earlier true normality returns to South Ossetia, and the mood in Tskhinvali yesterday makes it seem unlikely that the region will ever be part of Georgia over again.

More information

Wednesday 13 August 2008

Advocates Speak Out Against Ala. DA's Prosecution Of Pregnant Women Who Used Illegal Drugs

�Several protagonism groups accept criticized recent prosecutions by Covington County, Ala., District Attorney Greg Gambril of women world Health Organization used illegal drugs piece pregnant -- making the county the "latest legal battleground" on the issuance, the AP/ reports. The groups enunciate Gambril is wrongly prosecuting women by misinterpreting a 2006 state law meant to penalize parents and guardians wHO manufacture glass in their homes. Alabama outlaws exposing a nipper to illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia. Violating the ban carries a penalty of nonpareil to 10 years in prison. The maximum prison term is increased to 20 years for injuring a child and to life in prison for the death of a child.

Gambril has filed charges against seven women who either tested positivist for drugs after giving birth or while they were pregnant and on probation. He said the women requisite to be prosecuted in order to deter drug use and to protect these children. To living his posture, he cites a case in which a child was innate prematurely and died an hour later. Gambril said he has seen a change in behavior as word of the prosecutions has spread throughout the county in recent months, noting that no mothers on probation have tried and true positive for drugs.

The National Advocates for Pregnant Women, the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals and the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence have spoken out against Gambril, saying that the law was non meant to apply to pregnant women and their fetuses and that prosecuting these women could campaign women to seek abortions or avoid prenatal attention to escape prosecution. They also note that appellate courts in New Mexico, Kentucky, Nevada and Ohio have upturned convictions based on like laws. Tiloma Jayasinghe, an attorney for NAPW, aforesaid, "It is the first time I know of that a pregnant woman's body has been equated to a meth science laboratory."

Efforts to dismiss charges filed by Gambril against Shekelia Ward were spurned by Covington County Circuit Judge Charles Short. According to the AP/, Ward and her infant tried and true positive for cocaine curtly after the birth. Ward's attorney has taken the case to the Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals, and Ward has been allowed to go to a rehab facility piece child risk charges ar still pending.

Alabama state Sen. Lowell Barron (D), world Health Organization sponsored the law, aforesaid he did not stand for it to be used in these cases. "I hate to see a young mother put in prison aside from her child," adding, "[I]f she could be put in a treatment program with her children, that would be the best course. Maybe we need to revisit the legislation." Alabama District Attorney's Association President Steve Marshall said he admires what Gambril is doing, adding, "This is an opportunity to get treatment and assistance to a mother whose addiction is so bad she has chosen to learn illegal drugs while carrying a child" (Rawls, AP/, 8/1).

Reprinted with kind license from hypertext transfer protocol:// You can view the intact Daily Women's Health Policy Report, search the archives, or mark up for email speech here. The Daily Women's Health Policy Report is published by the National Partnership for Women and families.

� 2007 National Partnership for Women & Families. All rights reserved.

More info

Wednesday 6 August 2008

APA Explores Mental Health Disparities And Substance Abuse Through OMNA On Tour

� Many Americans in minority communities remain at a disadvantage in learning about and receiving mental health services, including substance abuse treatment, even as the carry Nation becomes more than aware of mental health concerns and effective treatments.
In the ongoing endeavor to educate communities and close the gap of mental health disparities, the American Psychiatric Association Office of Minority and National Affairs (OMNA) will hold a daylong workshop, OMNA on Tour: Co-Occurring Disorders-No Longer Double Jeopardy, in Los Angeles on Tuesday, July 22, featuring mental health experts who will discuss improving mental wellness outcomes for underserved populations in the Los Angeles area with co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders.

OMNA on Tour is a traveling education program intentional to inform communities or so the nation about the significance and impact on community upbeat of ethnic and racial disparities in mental health. The go aims to foster coaction among a variety of stakeholders with the goal to develop local activity plans to eliminate mental health disparities.

OMNA Director, Annelle Primm, M.D., M.P.H., APA extremity experts and other mental health professionals will wage constituencies from a wide-eyed variety of disciplines, such as merely not circumscribed to psychiatrists, primary care physicians, meaning abuse treatment providers, community leaders, and local mental health organisation administrators.

"We are pleased to carry our fifth OMNA on Tour in Los Angeles, focusing for the first time on co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorders with a call to action for prevention and recovery in diverse populations," aforesaid Dr. Primm. "Our sincere hope is that this program volition enlighten the Los Angeles community nigh the impact of co-occurrent disorders on overall wellness."

"In addition, we need to encourage strategic collaboration among a variety of stakeholders including consumers and families, wellness professionals of all types, the religious belief community, the correctional system of rules, the social service system, and legislators and policymakers," Primm said. "Through such action, concerned citizens pot make a difference by ensuring that people in need of treatment for mental illness and substance abuse in communities of color receive high character, culturally relevant care and experience recovery in order to lead enriching, healthy lives."

The Los Angeles tour stopover will feature many honored speakers, including Annelle Primm, M.D., M.P.H., director, Office of Minority and National Affairs, American Psychiatric Association; Marcia Goin, M.D., clinical professor, Keck School of Medicine of USC; Carl C. Bell, M.D., president and CEO, Community and Mental Health Council & Foundation, Inc. and clinical professor, Psychiatry and Public Health at the University of Illinois at
Chicago; Donald R. Vereen, M.D., M.P.H., theater director, Community-Based Public Health, University of Michigan, School of Public Health; Nancy Carter, executive director, National Alliance on Mental Illness of Urban Los Angeles; and, Michelle Clark, M.D., chief psychiatrist, South Central Health and Rehabilitation Program.

The daylong event will cover topics from the prevalence, impact and prevention of co-occurring disorders for the practitioner and consumer to discussions on what is working in the communities.

About the American Psychiatric Association

The American Psychiatric Association is the nation's leading medical strength society whose more than 38,000 physician members specialize in diagnosis, discourse, prevention and research of mental illnesses including heart and soul use disorders. Visit the APA at and

American Psychiatric Association

More info

Thursday 26 June 2008

Gio Red

Gio Red   
Artist: Gio Red

Trance: Psychedelic


Risk O Electro   
 Risk O Electro

   Year: 2006   
Tracks: 10


Wednesday 18 June 2008

Berlin breaks ground on new art space in downtown for local artists

BERLIN - Berlin Mayor Klaus Wowereit broke ground Friday for a new art space in the heart of the city dedicated to showcasing works by local contemporary artists.

The venue, which will be built on the Schlossplatz, or Palace Square, in the heart of what was once East Berlin, will offer some 600 square metres of exhibition space.

It will stand only until 2010, giving it the name "Temporary Art Hall Berlin," or in German "Temporaere Kunsthalle Berlin."

"We want to exhibit artists with a connection to Berlin who are on their way to worldwide renown but up until now haven't had the opportunity to be presented in Berlin," Wowereit said.

During its brief life span, the temporary structure will play host to 10 exhibitions, eight in the indoor space and two on the building's facade - all from artists based in the German capital.

Curator Angela Rosenberg presented the exhibition program, which includes shows by Gerwald Rockenschaub, Katharina Grosse and art duo Jennifer Allora and Guillermo Calzadilla.

"The Kunsthalle will be a living exhibition space where Berlin can reflect on the art that is being produced here," Rosenberg said.

Also known as the "White Cube," the hall was design by Vienna-based architect Adolf Krischanitz to stand at the home of the former East German parliament, the Palace of the Republic, which is being dismantled.

Plans call for the reconstruction of the facade of a Prussian royal palace that stood at the site until it was dynamited by the East German government in 1950. Behind the facade, exhibition space is expected.

See Also

Monday 9 June 2008


Artist: Gigi



Illuminated Audio   
 Illuminated Audio

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 10

Ejigayehu Shibabaw, punter known as Gigi, is one of the few singers from the Horn of Africa -- the number 1 since countrywoman Aster Aweke, in fact -- to break up through with a major-label release. Gigi grew up in rural Ethiopia, hearing to traditional and church music, earlier moving to the washington, Addis Ababa, when she was 14. There, her musical horizons broadened, hearing the local pop music "and all kinds of American music we could get on the radio. After that I went to Kenya, and on that point I was uncovered to a mass of different African music, a different kind of tucker." Returning house, she became a isaac Merrit Singer with the National Theatre before making her debut record, following which she worked with a marionette company, whose touring took her to France. It was on that point her real breakthrough occurred, playing a world medicine fete called Imagineer which resulted in a live transcription that made her known in Europe. After reversive to Ethiopia in 1997, she was granted a U.S. visa. The New World offered mass of challenges and she grasped them all eagerly, discovering malarky in Oakland and striking the route with countrywoman Aweke, "my ducky isaac Merrit Singer." She made some other album, One Ethiopia, before coming to the attention of Palm Pictures gaffer Chris Blackwell. She was paired with prolific producer Bill Laswell, wHO victimised talent like jazzmen Herbie Hancock and Wayne Shorter behind her on Gigi, her debut for the label. However, for all the electronic feel of the saucer, no loops or samples were employed -- everything was played, and as live as possible. Gigi began promoting the platter by coming into court at the 2001 WOMEX domain music conference in Holland, prior to a U.S. turn.

Tribute To Marilyn Manson

Sunday 1 June 2008

Whitney Houston - Houston To Get Career Boost From Lewis

Legendary diva WHITNEY HOUSTON is planning to duet with British singer LEONA LEWIS in a bid to boost her comeback, according to reports.

Houston is back on stage this year (08) after a lengthy break to battle alleged drug addictions, and a new album is being planned for release later in 2008.

Now her mentor, music mogul Clive Davis, wants to give her a helping hand - by teaming her with Bleeding Love pop sensation Lewis, reports the New York Post.

Since winning British talent show The X Factor in 2006, Lewis has stormed the charts in both Britain and the U.S. and drawn numerous comparisons to Houston and Mariah Carey.

But the 23-year-old will have to overcome her nervous disposition if she wants to perform with her idol - she suffers from stress-related chronic throat problems, which doctors have confirmed can only be cured permanently by surgery.

See Also

Saturday 24 May 2008


Artist: Rastaliens

Trance: Psychedelic



   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 8


Wednesday 21 May 2008


Artist: Shashank

New Age


Moments Of Ectasy Vol. 2   
 Moments Of Ectasy Vol. 2

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 6

Moments Of Ectasy Vol. 1   
 Moments Of Ectasy Vol. 1

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 5


Suzette Leblanc - soprano, Daniele Forget - sopran

Saturday 26 April 2008

Gere's obscenity charges are suspended

Gere's obscenity charges are suspended


Thursday 24 April 2008

Gabriella Cilmi, Lessons To Be Learned

Gabriella Cilmi, Lessons To Be Learned

Gabriella Cilmi is a 16-year old Australian who's already made a considerable mark with her appearance on Later...with Jools and the single Sweet About Me, where she tramps all over her own 'nice girl' image. Add to this support slots with Rufus Wainwright and Nouvelle Vague and various soundtrack appearances and it seems that Island records are saying they've found yet another 'soul' diva with a voice that's experienced way beyond her tender years. Doesn't it all sound a little too familiar?

But it really seems unfair to deny the talent on display here. The writing (usually shared between Gabriella and her production team) is sound and varied enough to keep you listening. The persona projected is suitably feisty, which suits her delivery. Only her attempt at the Martha and the Muffins classic, Echo Beach (recorded as the theme tune to er...Echo beach, and included here as a bonus) is best glossed over. In fact that's the best way to describe it, coming as it does with a gloss so high that it ceases to exist. Or maybe it's just uptempo numbers that she can't yet deal with. Terrifying is also a little hamfisted. She's best on the sultry 'classic soul'-styled numbers like Sanctuary or Safer. The production by Xenomania (Girls Aloud, Sugababes etc) is bright and bolshy - leaving plenty of space to let the impressive voice do its stuff. Cigarettes And Lies in particular is pitched just right with its scratchy blues-driven hooks.

The trouble may be in the timing. The voice is undoubtedly phenomenal. But blindfold someone and play them this back to back with Joss Stone, Amy Winehouse, Duffy and even (god help us) Anastasia and you'll start to be a little confused. As is the way with a creative arena that's also an industry, labels are unimaginative in trying to force feed us too much of something a little too formulaic.This is a shame, for you sense that somewhere inside all this is a true talent and identity longing to escape, but being generically groomed to the point of extinction. If her management and record company could leave her alone for two or three years (and a real band of her own) this teenager may well become a force to reckon with.

Friday 18 April 2008

Tearful Day-Lewis pays tribute to Ledger

Tearful Day-Lewis pays tribute to Ledger

Book of Daniel Day-Lewis paid an emotional tribute to recently actor Heath Leger during an appearance on the 'Oprah Winfrey Show' yesterday.
The actor's eyes filled with tears as he wheel spoke, via satellite, of his regret on scholarship of Ledger's sudden death on Tuesday.
Day-Lewis, wHO was on the present to talk about his Academy Award nomination for 'There Testament Be blood', said he matte up "strange" talking well-nigh anything else.
"There isn't anything to aver other than to verbalise one's regret to his class and his friends and to articulate from the bottom of the inning of one's ticker...that I'm sorry for their difficulty."
The histrion continued: "I didn't know him. I have a strong impression I would experience liked him real practically, as a individual, if I had."
He added: "I had already marvelled at close to of his work. And looked forrader to the work out he would do in the future."
Day-Lewis prayed Ledger's loved ones would be left wing unaccompanied to grieve, saying: "This is going to be something they ar going to be support with for the reside of their lives."

Swing Out Sister

Thursday 17 April 2008

Avril Lavigne dismisses pregnancy claims

Avril Lavigne dismisses pregnancy claims

Vocalist Avril Lavigne has denied media reports that she is expecting a baby with her isaac M. Singer husband Deryck Whibley.
Various US news websites claimed late that the isaac Bashevis Singer is about 6 weeks pregnant.
A DJ had reportedly claimed that Whibley had "been notification altogether his friends that he's excited to be a father".
However, Lavigne's congressman has dismissed the reports, saying: "It's not true."

Friday 11 April 2008

Ledger family prepare for Heath's funeral

Ledger family prepare for Heath's funeral

The family of Heath Ledger have returned to their native Australia where they will hold a private funeral for the actor in his home town of Perth.
Ledger's father Kim, mother Sally and sister Kate flew from Los Angeles to Brisbane, Australia, late last night.
The family are now home in Perth, where the body of the Oscar-nominated actor is to be laid to rest next to two of his grandparents in Karrakatta Cemetery.
It is also reported that the toxicology results of the 'Brokeback Mountain' star's autopsy are to be revealed this week.
The initial medical examiner's report was inconclusive as to the cause of his death on 22 January.

Tomas Bodin